1. Sistem
yang memebekalkan darah bagi tulang ialah
A. Volksman
C. Harvesian
D. Capillary
2. Tulang
patella merupakan contoh tulang
A. Rata
B. Pendek
C. Tidak
D. Seismoid
3. Tulang
rata menyimpan sum-sum tulang jenis
A. Sel stem
B. Merah
C. Kuning
D. Cansellus
2. Patella bone is a bone sample
A. Flat
B. Short
C. Uneven
D. Seismoid
3. Average saving bone marrow bone type
A. Stem cells
B. Red
C. Yellow
4. Gunshot wounds belong to the type of wound
A. Destructive
B. Blunt
C. Penetrating
D. High Velocity
5. Athletes often get a break character
A. Blunt injury
B. Stress injury
C. Injuries due to falls
D. Sudden Injury
6. Kommunited fracture type is
A. Levels remain stable
B. Segmented and unstable
C. Open and out of range
D. More than 2 bone fragments
7. Avulsion injury only occurs when
A. Joints out and can not be returned to its place of origin
B. There is a fracture in the area epifistal
C. Out joint and ligament tears occurred
D. Compressed fracture of two parts with one another
8. This fracture has the potential to get infected
A. Compound
B. Communited
C. Spiral
D. Transverse
9. Joints that allow some movement known as
A. Cartilaginous
B. Synovial
C. Sunothrouses
D. Saddle
10. These fractures are often associated with child
A. Colle's
B. Smith's
C. Greenstick
D. Radial
11. The main thing that should be included in the femur fracture
A. Loss of function of moving
B. Members to be short and defective
C. Blood loss
D. Soft tissue injury due to the strong thigh muscles
12. The term for the bones are not fused
A. Non-union
B. Mal union
C. Delayed union
D. Partial union
13. Compress the bone cell bone matrix is
A. Osteoblast
B. Kondroblast
C. Osteocyte
D. Osteoclast
14. Cells that form bone after the formation of the Biotechnology Center
A. Osteoblast
B. Kondroblast
C. Osteocyte
D. Osteoclast
15. The fourth stage of bone healing is
A. Hematoma formation
B. The accumulation of calcium
C. Pemebentukan Biotechnology Center
D. Remodeling
16. Apart from calcium, bone healing also requires good
A. Potassium
B. Sodium
C. Phosphorus
D. Chloride
17. Complications occur when the femur is dislocated
A. Foot gangrene involved
B. Shock hipovolumik
C. Femoral head necrosis
D. Loss of function of the affected leg
18. The joint out of alignment, but not out of the position known as
A. Stress fracture
B. Dislocation
C. Subluxation
D. Impacted fracture
19. The first item in the principles of fracture treatment is
A. Maintenance of airway
B. Immobilization
C. Restoration of blood volume
D. Surgery
20. 'Flail chest' are examples of fracture
A. Subluxation
B. Segmental
C. Transverse
D. Communited
21. Cash will be damaged and lost POP therapeutic effect when wet. However, cash can be cleaned with the following techniques.
A. Use warm water and expose the wet areas
B. Using a soft, dry paper
C. Using a damp cloth.
D. Using a dry cotton.
22. The use of cash for a long period may cause skin irritation occurs around cash, these symptoms can be reduced by doing the following.
A. Apply moisturizer on irritated areas.
B. Open the cash and replace the old with the new.
C. Giving the patient an antihistamine
D. Perform the sequence of minor irritation in the area.
23. Apart from calcium, penyantuman broken bones also require the following mineral
A. Potassium
B. Sodium
C. Phosphorus
D. Chloride
24. Complications are common after a dislocation of the femoral
A. Foot gangrene involved
B. Shock hipovolumik
C. Femoral head necrosis
D. Loss of function of the affected leg
25. The first item in the principles of fracture treatment is
A. Maintenance of airway
B. Immobilization
C. To avoid shock
D. To prepare the patient for emergency surgery.
26. In the treatment of osteomyelitis, the following drugs will be directed by a doctor for over 6 months
A. 500 mg streptomycin
B. Penicillin 1.2 mega units
C. Ampicillin 1 gm
D. Terramycin 250 mg
27. Long bone fracture is the most common type of athlete hit as a result of vigorous activities that often they do
A. Femoral joint dislocation
B. 'Prolapse' intervertebral disc
C. Fracture stress.
D. Impaction fracture
28. Joints are hard, stiff and sore during the morning or the 'Morning stiffness' is a major clinical manifestations of disease following
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Gout
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Spondylosis
29. Fracture healing process in young children faster than adults.This is because their bones have the following advantages.
A. More compact than adults
B. Still in the developmental process
C. No need to immobilization
D. Heal itself if left untreated.
30. Patients may not introduce foreign objects into cash, as this can cause POP
A. Cash is broken
B. Pressure sores
C. Interfere with bone peneyembuhan
D. Cash to be loose.
31. Disc between the vertebrae in the spine contains
A. Bone kansela
B. Connective tissue
C. Prone
D. Compact bone
32. In the development of long bones, secondary to central psifikasi occur in the following structure
A. Epifisis
B. Amid bone
C. Periostium
D. Bone marrow
33. Statement by the bones of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. All the bones are involved in the movement
B. Red blood cells by bone
C. Approximately half of the bone by calcium
D. Hormones have effects on bone development.
34. The muscles are important in the mechanism of respiration is
A. Diaphragm and trapezius
B. Sterno-mestoid and diaphragm
C. Intercostal and diaphragm
D. Intercostal and abdominal muscles
35. Disc between the vertebrae in the spine contains
A. Bone kansela
B. Connective tissue
C. Prone
D. Compact bone
36. Semibulat shaped cartilage located between the bones kondie
A. Humerus and ulna
B. Humerus and radius
C. Femur and tibia
D. Femur and fibula
37. Also known as striped muscle muscle
A. Voluntary visceral
B. Voluntary skeletal
C. Involuntari smooth
D. Involuntari skeletal
38. Here are synovial joints EXCEPT
A. Elbow joint
B. Dorsal joint
C. Ankle joint
D. Joints between the bones of the spine
39. Disc between the vertebrae in the spine contains
A. Bone kansela
B. Connective tissue
C. Prone
D. Compact bone
40. A tulanmg that can only be moved within the skull is
A. Makalla
B. Mandibel
C. Zigoma
D. Mastoid
41. Muscles attached to bones by muscle
A. Tendon
B. Ligaments
C. Capsule
D. Hinge
42. In the development of long bones, secondary oslfikasi centers occur in the following structure
A. Epifisis
B. Amid bone
C. Periostium
D. Bone marrow
43. Joints in which the following is limited to the movement?
A. Joint cartilage
B. Synovial joints
C. Joint sutur
D. Fibrous joints
44. Statement by the bones of the following are true EXCEPT:
A. All the bones are involved in the movement
B. Red blood cells by bone
C. Approximately half of the bone by calcium
D. Hormones have effects on bone development.
45. Areolar tissue that covers the entire set of muscle
A. Fascia
B. Epimysium
C. Sarcolemma
D. Endomysium
46. Connective tissue that covers the entire set of muscle
A. Fascia
B. Epimysium
C. Sarcolemma
D. Endomysium
47. Muscle tone is a situation where
A. Muscle is fully contracted
B. Muscle rest entirely
C. Muscles began to tire and stop working
D. Muscles are in a semi-contracted
48. Datan0067 nerve stimulation of the spinal cord help
A. Control the movement of the hand muscles
B. Reflex action
C. Memberitahi brain was tired muscles
D. Control action
49. Muscle function according to a law known as
A. All for one
B. One for all
C. All or none
D. All the above
50. In order for muscles to work properly, it requires an adequate blood supply for
A. Nutrient supply
B. Oxygen
C. Getting rid of slums
D. All of the above
51. Skeletal muscles have a muscle cell
A. Many nucleus and stratified
B. A nucleus and a smooth
C. Branched and has intercalated discs
D. None of the above
52. Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscle
A. Movement
B. Maintaining posture
C. Maintain blood pressure
D. Generate heat
53. Decomposition of carbohydrates and fat to obtain energy are called
A. Anemisma
B. Katabolisma
C. Anabolisma
D. Nationalism
54. Muscle fatigue means
A. The ability of muscles to contract for longer than usual
B. Muscle spasms due to prior work
C. Muscles are in a semi-contracted
D. Muscle fatigue
Section T / F
1. Beriikut is an example of the definition of fracture
A. Unrelated bone levels
B. Bone fractures and tears, and periosteum
C. Disconnected joints
D. Ligament tear
2. Bone takes a long time to heal after a fracture because
A. It is so hard and dense
B. Blood supply to defend the flow
C. Is a living tissue
D. Its distance from the main system serkulasi
3. The aetiology of fractures were as follows
A. Sudden Injury
B. Stress injury
C. Pathological
D. Bone Density
4. Manifestations, including fracture
A. Tabel
B. Crepitation
C. Tenderness
D. Numbness
5. Apart from the loss of alignment, the fracture also causes
A. Loss of function
B. Pain
C. Soft tissue injury
D. Loss of
6. Pelvic fracture can cause the following
A. Leakage of urine Pundit
B. Shock hipovolumik
C. Can not walk
D. Injuries intraabdomen
7. Fracture when the patient will show the following renjat
A. Pale
B. Loss of consciousness
C. Perspire
D. Increased blood pressure
8. The following statement is about the healing of bone
A. A large hematoma to prevent blood flow in the fracture
B. Formation of the Biotechnology Center menenadakan healing is going well
C. The bones are not aligned will not heal
D. Bone healing was not influenced by age
9. Fracture healing process of children has the following advantages
A. Faster than adults
B. Still in the developmental process
C. No need to immobilization
D. Heal itself if left untreated
10. Here is a short bone
A. Phalanges
B. Thallus
C. Calcaneus
D. Hyoid
11. Here are the most common fracture getting pressure (stress)
A. Military
B. Members of the heavy lifting
C. Member boxing
D. Members snowboards
12. The cause of pathological fracture is as follows
A. Bone Cancer
B. Osteoporosis
C. Hypoparathyroidism
D. Bone cyst
13. The following materials important in bone formation
A. Calcium
B. Iodine
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin A
14. Sources of calcium can be obtained from the following
A. Dairy products
B. Red meat
C. Red bone marrow
D. Ikan bilis
15. Factors that affect bone healing
A. Type of fracture
B. The health status of patients
C. Soft tissue injury
D. Kind of a broken bone
16. Here is a fracture immobilization devices
A. Cash POP
B. Splint
C. Fixator
D. Dawal
Give the best answer
Give 2 examples for each of the following
A. Long bones
A. Short bones
A. bones Flat
A. irregular bone
Fill in the blanks with the following words
1. Each nerve (fiber) muscle is wrapped by a thin areolar tissue fastener called ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
2. Bundle (bundle) of muscle cells are collected and wrapped by a tissue called a binder ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
3. Layer of collagen tissue fastener type (collagen) that bind each fascicle of skeletal muscle is called ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
4. Fascicle of many in the skeletal muscle tissue is wrapped by a coarse binder called ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
5. Most rural parts of skeletal muscle tissue is wrapped by a more coarse binder to strengthen the fascicle in skeletal muscle are called ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
6. The cuff of tissue binding in skeletal muscle provides the features ... ... ... .... to be contractual and relax muscles.
7. ... ... ... ... ... .. supplying oxygen and nutrients to skeletal muscle.
8. Skeletal muscle metabolic waste products produced by ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
9. Place muscles attached to bones that do not move are called ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
10. The bottom of the muscles attached to bones that can move the call ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. muscle.
a. inversion
b. adduction
c. rotation
d. synovial
e. opposition
f. Abduction
g. cartilaginous
h. synarthroses
i. pronation
j. supination joints that allow movement.
Joints that allow some movement
Joints that do not allow movement
Prone position
Supine position
Movements of the feet toward the center line of the body
The position of the thumb meets the other fingers on the same hand
Moving away from the body
Mobile dekata on body
Rotating axis
1 patient refused to perform
deep breathing exercises after surgery are
a. respect the patient's condition
b. ask the doctor patient
c. persuading the patient to cooperate.
d. explain the importance of breathing exercises in.
a. respect the patient's condition
b. ask the doctor patient
c. persuading the patient to cooperate.
d. explain the importance of breathing exercises in.
2. fatima a journalist mendeketi nurses to obtain information about a patient. do with the actions to be performed by him
a. patient information secret.
b. allow reporters to interview patients
c. watawan set appointments between patients and family members.
d. refer reporters to the nurses caring for patients
1. MVA patients complicity was found bleeding from his ear to the specific
a. laceration of the brain
b. depress skull fracture
c fracture of the skull base.
d. bleeding out Cerebrum
2.CSF showed that RBC
a. infection.
b. trauma
c. diventricukal abnormalities.
d.increase intracranial pressure
b. depress skull fracture
c fracture of the skull base.
d. bleeding out Cerebrum
2.CSF showed that RBC
a. infection.
b. trauma
c. diventricukal abnormalities.
d.increase intracranial pressure
42.peningkatan intracranial following the temporal bone fracture /
parital due to arterial pressure following EXCEPT.
a. anterial. b. basalar.
c. anterior cerebral d. meningial anterior.
43. en the MVA. hamid dikepada injury, got hypertension and bradycardia, dexamethasone is given.
a. as sedation. b. control bleeding.
c. restore cardiac function. d., reducing edema cerebaral.
44. The blood vessels which reduces blood to the heart is.
a. Aorta b. coronary artery.
c. pulmonary vein d. Superior vanacava
a. anterial. b. basalar.
c. anterior cerebral d. meningial anterior.
43. en the MVA. hamid dikepada injury, got hypertension and bradycardia, dexamethasone is given.
a. as sedation. b. control bleeding.
c. restore cardiac function. d., reducing edema cerebaral.
44. The blood vessels which reduces blood to the heart is.
a. Aorta b. coronary artery.
c. pulmonary vein d. Superior vanacava
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